The Music Years
Foto Gisbert Wegener
Foto: Matthias Wirthwein
In the late 70s Tina Schnekenburger moved from Düsseldorf to London with DAF (Deutsch-Amerikanische Freundschaft) and when the group shrank to the duo Gabi Delgado and Robert Görl she joined the band as a third member for their upcoming live gigs and tours operating the cassette deck on stage.
Also in London she became a member of an all girl Reggae band where she played the drums.
Back in Düsseldorf in the early 80s she joined Die Krupps playing Syncussion and Bass, and she became a member of the group Die Rächer, also playing bass guitar.
Later, together with Jürgen Engler (Die Krupps), she founded the label Atom H which released bands such as Protector and Rumble Militia.
Foto: Thomas Schulte-Kelling